Ah, the new year.
For some, it’s a motivational time to list goals for the coming months. How are those resolutions holding up?
For others, they’re still in hibernation mode, strategizing how to survive without having to go outside.
For me, I’m somewhere in the middle. My 2025 calendar contains monthly milestones. I’ve saved the ones that require travel for the warmer months.
Testing Resolve
Writing down goals definitely puts things into perspective—especially since I’m a writer—and helps hold me accountable. But now that the plan is set, and it’s out of my head and on paper, the real work begins—including fighting the urge to lounge and procrastinate.
The hustle and grind has been ingrained in my work ethics since my first babysitting job. It’s not easy letting go of this drive to always have the next gig lined up, especially when bills are only increasing. But over the years, I’ve learned where to focus my time and energy, and it’s saved my sanity.
My resume is packed with a wide range of experiences. Projects I’ve poured my heart and soul into. That didn’t stop layoffs, interview ghosting, and being passed over. While this is frustrating in the moment, it’s also a sign that sometimes the only person you can rely on is yourself, so put some time and energy into making that person happy.
Party of One
They say you only need one person to believe in you to make your dreams come true. Typically they mean one mentor, manager, or executive that can give you your big break. But the truth is, that one person should be you. Sure, it helps to have a cheerleader, but put yourself at the top of the pyramid.
There are so many tools to tap into to meet your milestones. And I’m not talking about asking AI for help (don’t get me started). Here’s what helped me:
Writing down specific goals.
Setting a doable due date to keep procrastination at bay.
Giving grace during the process to combat burnout.
Quieting the noise. Lately, this requires long breaks from social media.
You can be a planner in your pjs—it still counts and is more comfortable.
You can do your own form of hustling while in hibernation. Ever get a good idea while you’re in the shower or right before you doze off? It’s because resting is a vital part of the process.
You can set yourself up for success and relish in your accomplishments.
But as soon as someone else comes into the equation—a client, reviewer, or partner—what they contribute is not something you can control. So keep that in mind before it has the chance to muck up your motivation. Thank them for their service and move on.
Looking Forward
If you’ve made your list, good on you! Give yourself a big check for starting the year off WRITE.
If you’re still hibernating, rest up! The world will be waiting for what you have in store.
If you’re somewhere in the middle, welcome to the You Do You club.
There’s still 11 full months of the year to get started, keep going, and get it done. Let your heart and your gut lead the way and you’ll be okay.